GUT, noun The intestinal canal of an animal; a pipe or tube extending, with many circumvolutions, from the pylorus to the vent. This pipe is composed of three coats, and is attached to the body by a membrane called the mesentery. This canal is of different sizes in different parts, and takes different names. The thin and small parts are called the duodenum, the ilium, and the jejunum; the large and thick parts are called the eaecum, the colon, the rectum. By this pipe, the undigested and unabsorbed parts of food are conveyed from the stomach and discharged. This word in the plural is applied to the whole mass formed by its natural convolutions in the abdomen.
2. The stomach; the receptacle of food.
3. Gluttony; love of gormandizing.
GUT, verb transitive To take out the bowels; to eviscerate.
1. To plunder of contents.
GUTta serena, in medicine, amaurosis; blindness occasioned by a diseased retina.