HAUL, verb transitive
1. To pull or draw with force; to drag; as, to haul a heavy body along on the ground; to haul a boat on shore. haul is equivalent to drag, and differs sometimes from pull and draw, in expressing more force and labor. It is much used by seamen; as, to haul down the sails; haul in the boom; haul aft, etc.
2. To drag; to compel to go.
Lest he haul thee to the judge. Luke 12:1.
When applied to persons, haul implies compulsion or rudeness, or both.
To haul the wind, in seamanship, is to turn the head of the ship nearer to the point from which the wind blows, by arranging the sails more obliquely, bracing the yards more forward, hauling the sheets more aft, etc.
HAUL, noun A pulling with force; a violent pull.
1. A draft of a net; as, to catch a hundred fish at a haul