HAWK, noun A genus of fowls, the Falco, of many species, having a crooked beak, furnished with a cere at the base, a cloven tongue, and the head thick set with feathers. Most of the species are rapacious, feeding on birds or other small animals. Hawks were formerly trained for sport or catching small birds.
HAWK, verb intransitive To catch or attempt to catch birds by means of hawks trained for the purpose, and let loose on the prey; to practice falconry.
He that hawks at larks and sparrows.
A falc'ner Henry is, when Emma hawks.
1. To fly at; to attack on the wing; with at.
To hawk at flies.
HAWK, verb intransitive To make an effort to force up phlegm with noise; as, to hawk and spit.
To hawk up, transitively; as, to hawk up phlegm.
HAWK, noun An effort to force up phlegm from the throat, accompanied with noise.
HAWK, verb transitive [Latin auctio, auction, a sale by outcry.] To cry; to offer for sale by outcry in the street, or to sell by outcry; as, to hawk goods or pamphlets.