HEAVEN, noun hev'n.
1. The region or expanse which surrounds the earth, and which appears above and around us, like an immense arch or vault, in which are seen the sun, moon and stars.
2. Among christians, the part of space in which the omnipresent Jehovah is supposed to afford more sensible manifestations of his glory. Hence this is called the habitation of God, and is represented as the residence of angels and blessed spirits. Deuteronomy 26:15.
The sanctified heart loves heaven for its purity, and God for his goodness.
3. Among pagans, the residence of the celestial gods.
4. The sky or air; the region of the atmosphere; or an elevated place; in a very indefinite sense. Thus we speak of a mountain reaching to heaven; the fowls of heaven; the clouds of heaven; hail or rain from heaven Jeremiah 9:10. Job 35:11.
Their cities are walled to heaven Deuteronomy 1:10.
5. The Hebrews acknowledged three heavens; the air or aerial heavens; the firmament in which the stars are supposed to be placed; and the heaven of heavens, or third heaven the residence of Jehovah.
6. Modern philosophers divide the expanse above and around the earth into two parts, the atmosphere or aerial heaven and the etherial heaven beyond the region of the air, in which there is supposed to be a thin, unresisting medium called ether.
7. The Supreme Power; the Sovereign of heaven; god; as prophets sent by heaven
I have sinned against heaven Luke 15:7.
Shun the impious profaneness which scoffs at the
institution of heaven
8. The pagan deities; celestials.
And show the heavens more just.
9. Elevation; sublimity.
O! for a muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention.
10. Supreme felicity; great happiness.