HEAV'Y, adjective hev'y.
1. Weighty; ponderous; having great weight; tending strongly to the center of attraction; contrary to light; applied to material bodies; as a heavy stone; a heavy load.
2. Sad; sorrowful; dejected; depressed in mind.
A light wife makes a heavy husband.
So is he that singeth songs to a heavy heart. Proverbs 25:20.
3. Grievous; afflictive; depressing to the spirits; as heavy news; a heavy calamity.
4. Burdensome; oppressive; as heavy taxes.
Make thy father's heavy yoke--lighter. 1 Kings 12:4.
5. Wanting life and animation; dull.
My heavy eyes you say confess
A heart to love and grief inclined.
6. Drowsy; dull.
Their eyes were heavy Matthew 26:37. Luke 9:32.
7. Wanting spirit or animation; destitute of life or rapidity of sentiment; dull; as a heavy writer; a heavy style.
8. Wanting activity or vivacity; indolent.
But of a heavy dull, degenerate mind.
9. Slow; sluggish.
He walks with a heavy gait.
10. Burdensome; tedious; as heavy hours.
Time lies heavy on him who has no employment.
11. Loaded; encumbered; burdened.
He found his men heavy and laden with booty.
12. Lying with weight on the stomach; not easily digested; as, oily food is heavy to the stomach.
13. Moist; deep; soft; miry; as heavy land; a heavy soil. We apply heavy to soft loamy or clayey land, which makes the draught of a plow or wagon difficult and laborious. So we say, a heavy road.
14. Difficult; laborious; as a heavy draught.
15. Weary; supported with pain or difficulty.
And the hands of Moses were heavy Exodus 17:12.
16. Inflicting severe evils, punishments or judgments.
The hand of the Lord was heavy on them of Ashdod.
l Sam.5.
17. Burdensome; occasioning great care.
This thing is too heavy for thee. Exodus 18:18.
18. Dull; not hearing; inattentive.
Neither his ears heavy that he cannot hear. Isaiah 59:1.
19. Large, as billows; swelling and rolling with great force; as a heavy sea.
20. Large in amount; as a heavy expense; a heavy debt.
21. Thick; dense; black; as a heavy cloud.
22. Violent; tempestuous; as a heavy wind or gale.
23. Large; abundant; as a heavy fall of snow or rain.
24. Great; violent; forcible; as a heavy fire of cannon or small arms.
25. Not raised by leaven or fermentation; not light; clammy; as heavy bread.
26. Requiring much labor or much expense; as a heavy undertaking.
27. Loud; as heavy thunder.
Heavy metal, in military affairs, signifies large guns, carrying balls of a large size, or it is applied to large balls themselves.
HEAVY, adverb hev'y. With great weight; used in composition.
HEAVY, verb transitive hev'y. To make heavy [Not in use.]