HIDE, verb transitive preterit tense hid; participle passive hid, hidden.
1. To conceal; to withhold or withdraw from sight; to place in any state or position in which the view is intercepted from the object. The intervention of the moon between the earth and the sun hides the latter from our sight. The people in Turkey hide their grain in the earth. No human being can hide his crimes or his neglect of duty from his Maker.
2. To conceal from knowledge; to keep secret.
Depart to the mountains; hide yourselves there three days. Joshua 2:16.
Tell me now what thou hast done--hide it not from me. Joshua 7:19.
3. In Scripture, not to confess or disclose; or to excuse and extenuate.
I acknowledged my sin to thee, and my iniquity have I not hid. Psalms 32:1.
4. To protect; to keep in safety.
In the time of trouble, he shall hide me in his pavilion. Psalms 27:5.
To hide the face from, to overlook; to pardon.
HIDE thy face from my sins. Psa 51.
To hide the face, to withdraw spiritual presence, support and consolation.
Thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled. Psa 30.
To hide one's self, to put one's self in a condition to be safe; to secure protection.
The prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself. Proverbs 22:1.
HIDE, verb intransitive To lie concealed; to keep one's self out of view; to be withdrawn from sight.
Bred to disguise, in public 'tis you hide
HIDE and seek, a play of boys, in which some hide themselves and another seeks them.
HIDE, noun In the ancient laws of England, a certain portion of land, the quantity of which however is not well ascertained. Some authors consider it as the quantity that could be tilled with one plow; others, as much as would maintain a family. Some suppose it to be 60, some 80, and others 100 acres.
HIDE, noun [Latin cutis; Gr. either a peel, from stripping, separating, or a cover.]
1. The skin of an animal, either raw or dressed; more generally applied to the undressed skins of the larger domestic animals, as oxen, horses, etc.
2. The human skin; in contempt.