HOL'LOW, adjective
1. Containing an empty space, natural or artificial, within a solid substance; not solid; as a hollow tree; a hollow rock; a hollow sphere.
Hollow with boards shalt thou make it. Exodus 27:8.
2. Sunk deep in the orbit; as a hollow eye.
3. Deep; low; resembling sound reverberated from a cavity, or designating such a sound; as a hollow roar.
4. Not sincere or faithful; false; deceitful; not sound; as a hollow heart; a hollow friend.
Hollow spar, the mineral called also chiastolite.
HOL'LOW, noun A cavity, natural or artificial; any depression of surface in a body; concavity; as the hollow of the hand.
1. A place excavated; as the hollow of a tree.
2. A cave or cavern; a den; a hole; a broad open space in any thing.
3. A pit.
4. Open space of any thing; a groove; a channel; a canal.
HOL'LOW, verb transitive To make hollow as by digging, cutting, or engraving; to excavate.
Trees rudely hollowed did the waves sustain.
HOL'LOW, verb intransitive To shout. [See Holla and Hollo.]