HOOP, noun A band of wood or metal used to confine the staves of casks, tubs, etc. or for other similar purposes. Wooden hoops are usually made by splitting an oak or hickory sapling into two parts; but sometimes they are made of thin splints and of other species of wood.
1. A piece of whalebone in the form of a circle or ellipsis, used formerly by females to extend their petticoats; a farthingale.
2. Something resembling a hoop; a ring; any thing circular.
HOOP, verb transitive To bind or fasten with hoops; as, to hoop a barrel or puncheon.
1. To clasp; to encircle; to surround.
HOOP, verb intransitive to shout; to utter a loud cry, or a particular sound by way of call or pursuit.
HOOP, verb transitive To drive with a shout or outcry.
1. To call by a shout or hoop
HOOP, noun A shout; also, a measure, equal to a peck.
1. The hoopoe.