HORN, noun [Latin cornu]
1. A hard substance growing on the heads of certain animals, and particularly on cloven-footed quadrupeds; usually projecting to some length and terminating in a point. Horns are generally bent or curving, and those of some animals are spiral. They serve for weapons of offense and defense. The substance of horns is gelatinous, and in Papin's digester it may be converted into jelly.
HORN is an animal substance, chiefly membranous, consisting of coagulated albumen, with a little gelatin and phosphate of lime.
The horns of deer possess exactly the properties of bone, and are composed of the same constituents, only the proportion of cartilage is greater.
2. A wind instrument of music, made of horn; a trumpet. Such were used by the Israelites.
3. In modern times, a wind instrument made of metal.
4. An extremity of the moon, when it is waxing or waning, and forming a crescent.
5. The feeler or antenna of an insect.
6. The feeler of a snail, which may be withdrawn; hence, to pull or draw in the horns, is to repress one's ardor, or to restrain pride.
7. A drinking cup; horns being used anciently for cups.
8. A winding stream.
9. Horns, in the plural, is used to characterize a cuckold.
He wears the horns.
10. In Scripture, horn is a symbol of strength or power.
The horn of Moab is cut off. Jeremiah 48:25.
HORN is also an emblem of glory, honor, dignity.
My horn is exalted in the Lord. 1 Samuel 2:1.
In Daniel, horn represents a kingdom or state.