HUSH, adjective [Heb. to be silent.] Silent; still; quiet; as, they are hush as death. This adjective never precedes the noun which it qualifies, except in the compound, hushmoney.
HUSH, verb transitive To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress noise; as, to hush the noisy crown; the winds were hushed.
My tongue shall hush again this storm of war.
1. To appease; to allay; to calm, as commotion or agitation.
Wilt thou then
HUSH my cares?
HUSH, verb intransitive To be still; to be silent.
HUSH, imperative of the verb, used as an exclamation, be still; be silent or quiet; make no noise.
To hush up, to suppress; to keep concealed.
This matter is hushed up.