IMPO'RT, verb transitive [Latin importo; in and porto, to bar. See Bear.]
1. To bring from a foreign country or jurisdiction, or from another state, into one's own country, jurisdiction or state; opposed to export. We import teas and silks from China, wines from Spain and France, and dry goods from Great Britain. Great Britain imports cotton from American and India. We may say also that Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine import flour from the middle states.
2. To bear or convey, as signification or meaning; to mean; to signify; to imply. We are to understand by a term, what it clearly imports.
3. To be of weight to; to be of moment or consequence to; to bear on the interest of, or to have a bearing on.
Her length of sickness, with what else more serious
Importeth thee to know, this bears.
If I endure it, what imports it you?
IM'PORT, noun That which is borne or conveyed in words; meaning; signification; the sense which words are intended to convey to the understanding, or which they bear in sound interpretation. import differs from implication in this, that the meaning of a term or number of words in connection is less obscurely expressed. import depends less on inference or deduction than implication, and is also applied more frequently to a single word. In all philosophical discussions, it is useful to ascertain the import of the terms employed. In the construction of laws and treaties, we are to examine carefully the import of words and phrases.
1. That which is imported or brought into a country from another country or state; generally in the plural. Our imports exceed our exports; the balance must be paid in specie; hence the scarcity of coin.
2. Importance; weight; consequence. [Formerly accented on the second syllable.]