INCH, noun [Latin uncia, the twelfth part.]
1. A lineal measure in Great Britain and the United States, being the twelfth part of a foot, and equal to the length of three barley corns.
2. Proverbially, a small quantity or degree; as, to die by inches, to gain ground by inches.
3. A precise point of time.
Beldame, I think, we watch'd you at an inch [Unusual.]
INCH, verb transitive To drive by inches or small degrees. [Little Used.]
1. To deal out by inches; to give sparingly. [Little Used.]
INCH, verb intransitive To advance or retire by small degrees. [Little Used.]
INCHed, is added to words of number; as four-inched. But in American the common practice is to add only inch; as a seven-inch cable.