INDEPEND'ENT, adjective [in and dependent.]
1. Not dependent; not subject to the control of others; not subordinate. God is the only being who is perfectly independent
2. Not holding or enjoying possessions at the will of another; not relying on others; not dependent. We all wish to be independent in property; yet few men are wholly independent even in property, and none independent for the supply of their wants.
3. Affording the means of independence; as an independent estate.
4. Not subject to bias or influence; not obsequious; self-directing; as a man of an independent mind.
5. Not connected with. It is believed the soul may exist independent of matter.
6. Free; easy; self-commanding; bold; unconstrained; as an independent air or manner.
7. Separate from; exclusive.
I mean the account of that obligation in general, under which we conceive ourselves bound to obey a law, independent of those resources which the law provides for its own enforcement.
8. Pertaining to an independent or congregational church. It is followed by of or on, both of which are well authorized. On is most conformable to analogy, for it always follows depend, but of is most common.
INDEPEND'ENT, noun One who, in religious affairs, maintains that every congregation of christians is a complete church, subject to no superior authority, and competent to perform every act of government in ecclesiastical affairs.