JADE, noun
1. A mean or poor horse; a tired horse; a worthless nag.
Tired as a jade in overloaden cart.
2. A mean woman; a word of contempt, noting sometimes age, but generally vice.
She shines the first of battered jades.
3. A young woman; in irony or slight contempt.
JADE, noun A mineral called also nephrite or nephritic stone, remarkable for its hardness and tenacity, of a color more or less green, and of a resinous or oily aspect when polished. It is fusible into a glass or enamel. Cleveland divides jade into three subspecies, nephrite, saussurite, and axestone. It is found in detached masses or inhering in rocks.
JADE, verb transitive To tire; to fatigue; to weary with hard service; as, to jade a horse.
1. To weary with attention or study; to tire.
The mind once jaded by an attempt above its power, is very hardly brought to exert its force again.
2. To harass; to crush.
3. To tire or wear out in mean offices; as a jaded groom.
4. To ride; to rule with tyranny.
I do not now fool myself, to let imagination jade me.
JADE, verb intransitive To become weary; to lose spirit; to sink.
They are promising in the beginning, but they fail and jade and tire in the prosecution.