JET, noun [Latin gagates.] A solid, dry, black, inflammable fossil substance, harder than asphalt, susceptible of a good polish, and glossy in its fracture, which is conchoidal or undulating. It is found not in strata or continued masses, but in unconnected heaps. It is wrought into toys, buttons, mourning jewels, etc.
JET is regarded as a variety of lignite, or coal originating in wood.
JET, noun [Latin jactus.]
1. A spout, spouting or shooting of water; a jet d'eau.
2. A yard. Tusser. Drift; scope. [Not in use or local.]
JET, verb intransitive [See the Noun.] To shoot forward; to shoot out; to project; to jut; to intrude.
1. To strut; to throw or toss the body in haughtiness.
2. To jerk; to jolt; to be shaken.
[This orthography is Rarely used. See Jut.]