JOINT, noun [Latin junctura. See Join.]
1. The joining of two or more things.
2. In anatomy, the joining of two or more bones; an articulation; as the elbow, the knee, or the knuckle.
3. A knot; the union of two parts of a plant; or the space between two joints; an internode; as the joint of a cane, or of a stalk of maiz.
4. A hinge; a juncture of parts which admits of motion.
5. The place where two pieces of timber are united.
6. In joinery, straight lines are called a joint when two pieces of wood are planed.
7. One of the limbs of an animal cut up by the butcher.
Out of joint luxated; dislocated; as when the head of a bone is displaced from its socket. Hence figuratively, confused; disordered; misplaced.
JOINT, adjective Shared by two or more; as joint property.
1. United in the same profession; having an interest in the same thing; as a joint-heir or heiress.
2. United; combined; acting in concert; as a joint force; joint efforts; joint vigor.
JOINT stock, the capital or fund of a company or partnership in business.
JOINT, verb transitive To form with joints or articulations; used mostly in the participle; as the fingers are jointed; a cane has a jointed stalk.
1. To form many parts into one; as jointed wood.
2. To cut or divide into joints or quarters.