LASH, noun
1. The thong or braided cord of a whip.
I observed that your whip wanted a lash to it.
2. A leash or string.
3. A stroke with a whip, or any thing pliant and tough. The culprit was whipped thirty nine lashes.
4. A stroke of satire; a sarcasm; an expression or retort that cuts or gives pain.
The moral is a lash at the vanity of arrogating that to ourselves which succeeds well.
LASH, verb transitive
1. To strike with a lash or any thing pliant; to whip or scourge.
We lash the pupil and defraud the ward.
2. To throw up with a sudden jerk.
He falls; and lashing up his heels, his rider throws.
3. To beat, as with something loose; to dash against.
And big waves lash the frighted shores -
4. To tie or bind with a rope or cord; to secure or fasten by a string; as, to lash any thing to a mast or to a yard; to lash a trunk on a coach.
5. To satirize; to censure with severity; as, to lash vice.
LASH, verb intransitive To ply the whip; to strike at.
To laugh at follies, or to lash at vice.
To lash out, is to be extravagant or unruly.