LEAN, verb intransitive [Gr., Latin clino.]
1. To deviate or move from a straight or perpendicular line; or to be in a position thus deviating. We say, a column leans to the north or to the east; it leans to the right or left.
2. To incline or propend; to tend toward.
They delight rather to lean to their old customs -
3. To bend or incline so as to rest on something; as, to lean against a wall or a pillar; to lean on the arm of another.
4. To bend; to be in a bending posture.
LEAN, verb transitive
1. To incline; to cause to lean
2. To conceal. [Not in use.]
LEAN, adjective [Latin lenis, and Eng. slender.]
1. Wanting flesh; meager; not fat; as a lean body; a lean man or animal.
2. Not rich; destitute of good qualities; bare; barren; as lean earth.
3. Low; poor; in opposition to rich or great; as a lean action. [Unusual.]
4. Barren of thought; destitute of that which improves or entertains; jejune; as a lean discourse or dissertation.
LEAN, noun That part of flesh which consists of muscle without the fat.