American Dictionary of the English Language

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LICK, verb transitive [Latin lingo; Gr. See Like and Sleek.]

1. To pass or draw the tongue over the surface; as, a dog licks a wound.

2. To lap; to take in by the tongue; as, a dog or cat licks milk. 1 Kings 21:19.

To lick up, to devour; to consume entirely.

Now shall this company lick up all that are round about us, as an ox licketh up the grass of the field. Numbers 22:4.

To lick the dust, to be slain; to perish in battle.

His enemies shall lick the dust. Psalms 72:9.

LICK, noun In America, a place where beasts of the forest lick for salt, at salt springs.

LICK, noun

1. A blow; a stroke. [Not an elegant word.]

2. A wash; something rubbed on. [Not in use.]

LICK, verb transitive To strike repeatedly for punishment; to flog; to chastise with blows. [Not an elegant word; but probably flog, Latin fligo, is from the root of this word.]