American Dictionary of the English Language

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LODGE, verb transitive

1. To set, lay or deposit for keeping or preservation, for a longer or shorter time. The men lodged their arms in the arsenal.

2. To place; to plant; to infix.

He lodged an arrow in a tender breast.

3. To fix; to settle in the heart, mind or memory.

I can give no reason more than a lodged hate -

4. To furnish with a temporary habitation, or with an accommodation for a night. He lodged the prince a month, a week, or a night. [The word usually denotes a short residence, but for no definite time.]

5. To harbor; to cover. The deer is lodged.

6. To afford place to; to contain for keeping.

The memory can lodge a greater store of images, than the senses can present at one time.

7. To throw in or on; as, to lodge a ball or a bomb in a fort.

8. To throw down; to lay flat.

Our sighs, and they shall lodge the summer corn.

LODGE, verb intransitive

1. To reside; to dwell; to rest in a place.

And lodge such daring souls in little men.

2. To rest or dwell for a time, as for a night, a week, a month. We lodged a night at the Golden Ball. We lodged a week at the City Hotel. Soldiers lodge in tents in summer, and in huts in winter. Fowls lodge on trees or rocks.

3. To fall flat, as grain. Wheat and oats on strong land are apt to lodge

LODGE, noun

1. A small house in a park or forest, for a temporary place of rest at night; a temporary habitation; a hut.

2. A small house or tenement appended to a larger; as a porter's lodge

3. A den; a cave; any place where a wild beast dwells.