LOSE, verb transitive looz. preterit tense and participle passive lost.
1. To mislay; to part or be separated from a thing, so as to have no knowledge of the place where it is; as, to lose a book or a paper; to lose a record; to lose a dollar or a ducat.
2. To forfeit by unsuccessful contest; as, to lose money in gaming.
3. Not to gain or win; as, to lose a battle, that is, to be defeated.
4. To be deprived of; as, to lose men in battle; to lose an arm or leg by a shot or by amputation; to lose one's life or honor.
5. To forfeit, as a penalty. Our first parents lost the favor of God by their apostasy.
6. To suffer diminution or waste of.
If the salt hath lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? Matthew 5:1.
7. To ruin; to destroy.
The woman that deliberates is lost.
8. To wander from; to miss, so as not to be able to find; as, to lose the way.
9. To bewilder.
Lost in the maze of words.
10. To possess no longer; to be deprived of; contrary to keep; as, to lose a valuable trade.
11. Not to employ or enjoy; to waste. Titus sighed to lose a day.
Th' unhappy have but hours, but these they lose
12. To waste; to squander; to throw away; as, to lose a fortune by gaming, or by dissipation.
13. To suffer to vanish from view or perception. We lost sight of the land at noon. I lost my companion in the crowd.
Like following life in creatures we dissect, we lost it in the moment we detect.
14. To ruin; to destroy by shipwreck, etc. the albion was lost on the coast of Ireland, april 22, 1822. the admiral lost three ships in a tempest.
15. To cause to perish; as, to be lost at sea.
16. to employ ineffectually; to throw away; to waste. Instruction is often lost on the dull; admonition is lost on the profligate. It is often the fate of projectors to lose their labor.
17. to be freed from.
His scaly back the bunch has got which Edwin lost before.
18. to fail to obtain.
He shall in no wise lose his reward. Matthew 5:1.
to lose one's self, to be bewildered; also, to slumber; to have the memory and reason suspended.
LOSE, verb intransitive looz.
1. To forfeit any thing in contest; not to win.
We'll talk with them too, who loses and who wins; who's in, who's out.
2. To decline; to fail.
Wisdom in discourse with her loses discountenanced, and like folly shows.