MA'JOR, adjective [Latin] Greater in number, quantity or extent; as the major part of the assembly; the major part of the revenue; the major part of the territory.
1. Greater in dignity.
My major vow lies here.
2. In music, an epithet applied to the modes in which the third is four semitones above the tonic or key-note, and to intervals consisting of four semitones.
Major and minor, in music, are applied to concords which differ from each other by a semitone.
Major tone, the difference between the fifth and fourth, and major semitone is the difference between the major fourth and the third. The major tone surpasses the minor by a comma.
MA'JOR, noun In military affairs, an officer next in rank above a captain, and below a lieutenant colonel; the lowest field officer.
1. The mayor of a town. [See Mayor.]
Aid-major, an officer appointed to act as major on certain occasions.
Brigade-major. [See Brigade.]
Drum-major, the first drummer in a regiment, who has authority over the other drummers.
Fife-major, the first or chief fifer.
Sergeant-major, a non-commissioned officer, subordinate to the adjutant.
MA'JOR, noun In law, a person of full age to manage his own concerns.
MAJOR, noun In logic, the first proposition of a regular syllogism, containing the principal term; as, no unholy person is qualified for happiness in heaven, [the major ] Every man in his natural state is unholy, [minor.] Therefore, no man in his natural state, is qualified for happiness in heaven, [conclusion or inference.]