MANUFAC'TURE, noun [Latin manus, hand, and facio, to make.]
1. The operation of making cloth, wares, utensils, paper, books, and whatever is used by man; the operation of reducing raw materials of any kind into a form suitable for use, by the hands, by art or machinery.
2. Any thing made from raw materials by the hand, by machinery, or by art; as cloths, iron utensils, shoes, cabinet work, sadlery, and the like.
MANUFAC'TURE, verb transitive To make or fabricate from raw materials, by the hand, by art or machinery, and work into forms convenient for use; as, to manufacture cloth, nails, or glass.
1. To work raw materials into suitable forms for use; as, to manufacture wool, cotton, silk or iron.
MANUFAC'TURE, verb intransitive To be occupied in manufactures.