American Dictionary of the English Language

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M'ASS, noun [Latin massa, a mass; Gr. to beat or pound.]

1. A lump; a body of matter concreted, collected or formed into a lump; applied to any solid body; as a mass of iron or lead; a mass of flesh; as mass of ice; a mass of dough.

2. A collective body of fluid matter. The ocean is a mass of water.

3. A heap; as a mass of earth.

4. A great quantity collected; as a mass of treasure.

5. Bulk; magnitude.

This army of such mass and charge.

6. An assemblage; a collection of particulars blended, confused or indistinct; as a mass of colors.

They lose their forms, and make a mass

Confused and black, if brought too near.

7. Gross body of things considered collectively; the body; the bulk; as the mass of people in a nation. A small portion of morbid matter may infect the whole mass of fluids in the body.

M'ASS, noun [Low Latin missa. The word signifies primarily leisure, cessation from labor, from the Latin missus, remissus, like the Latin ferioe; hence a feast or holiday.] The service of the Romish church; the office or prayers used at the celebration of the eucharist; the consecration of the bread and wine.

M'ASS, verb intransitive To celebrate mass [Not used.]

M'ASS, verb transitive To fill; to stuff; to strengthen. [Not used.]