American Dictionary of the English Language

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MON'UMENT, noun [Latin monumentum, from moneo, to admonish or remind.]

1. Any thing by which the memory of a person or an event is preserved or perpetuated; a building, stone or other thing placed or erected to remind men of the person who raised it, or of a person deceased, or of any remarkable event; as a mausoleum, a pillar, a pyramid, a triumphal arch, a tombstone and the like. A pillar of 200 feet in highth, composed of Portland stone, was erected in London as a monument to preserve the memory of the great conflagration in 1666. A monument is erected on Bunker Hill to commemorate the battle of June 17, 1775.

2. A stone or a heap of stones or other durable thing, intended to mark the bounds of states, towns or distinct possessions, and preserve the memory of divisional lines.

3. A thing that reminds or gives notice.