NAKED, adjective Open, discovered, to strip.
1. Not covered; bare; having no clothes on; as a naked body or a naked limb.
2. Unarmed; defenseless; open; exposed; having no means of defense or protection against an enemys attack, or against other injury.
Behold my bosom naked to your swords.
3. Open to view; not concealed; manifest. Hebrews 4:13.
4. Destitute of worldly goods. Job 1:21.
5. Exposed to shame and disgrace. Exodus 32:25.
6. Guilty and exposed to divine wrath. Revelations 3.
7. Plain; evident; undisguised; as the naked truth.
8. Mere; bare; simple; wanting the necessary additions. God requires of man something besides the naked belief of his being and his word.
9. Not inclosed in a pod or case; as naked seeds of a plant.
10. Without leaves, fulcres or arms; as a naked stem or trunk.
11. Not assisted by glasses; as the naked eye.