NEGATIVE, adjective
1. Implying denial or negation; opposed to affirmative, as a negative proposition is that which denies. Matter is not spirit.
2. Implying absence; opposed to positive.
There is a negative way of denying Christ, when we do not acknowledge and confess him.
3. Having the power of stopping or restraining. A negative voice in legislation is a voice or vote to prevent the passing of a law or decree.
NEGATIVE sign, in algebra, the sign of subtraction , a sign which indicates that the quantity to which it is prefixed is to be subtracted. It is opposed to positive ro affirmative; as ab-n.
NEGATIVE electricity, according to Dr. Franklin, is a deficiency of the fluid in a substance, or less than the substance naturally contains.
1. A proposition by which something is denied; as, matter has not the power of moving itself.
2. A word that denies; as not, no.
3. In legislation, the right or power of preventing the enaction of a law or decree. The governor has not a negative on the proceedings of the legislature, but each branch has a negative on the other.
NEGATIVE pregnant, a negation of one thing, implying the affirmation of another.
NEGATIVE, verb transitive
1. To disprove; to prove the contrary.
The omission or infrequency of such recitals does not negative the existence of miracles.
2. To reject by vote; to refuse to enact or sanction. The senate negatived the bill.
3. To resist a choice or what is proposed.