NOV'EL, adjective
1. New; of recent origin or intorduction; not ancient; hence, unusual; as a novel heresy; novel opinions. The proceedings of the court were novel
2. In the civil law, the novel consititutions are those which are supplemental to the code, and posterior in time to the other books. These contained new decrees of successive emperors.
3. In the common law, the assize of novel disseizin is an action in which the demandant recits a complaint of the disseizin in terms of direct averment, whereupon the sheriff is commanded to reseize the land and chattels thereon, and keep the same in custody till the arrival of the justices of assize.
NOV'EL, noun
1. A new or supplemental constitution or decree. [See the Adjective.]
2. A fictitious tale or narrative in prose, intended to exhibit the operation of the passions, and particularly of love.
The coxcomb's novel and the drunkard's toast.