O'VER, preposition [Latin super., Gr.]
1. Across; from side to side; implying a passing or moving either above the substance or thing, or on the surface of it. Thus we say, a dog leaps over a stream, or over a table; a boat sails over a lake.
2. Above in place or position; opposed to below; as the clouds over our heads. The smoke rises over the city.
The mercy-seat that is over the testimony. Exodus 30:6.
3. Above, denoting superiority in excellence, dignity or value; as the advantages which the christian world has over the heathen.
Young Pallas shone conspicuous o'er the rest.
4. Above in authority, implying the right or power of superintending or governing; opposed to under.
Thou shalt be over my house. Genesis 41:33.
I will make thee ruler over many things. Matthew 25:21.
5. Upon the surface or whole surface; through the whole extent; as, to wander over the earth; to walk over a field, or over a city.
6. Upon. Watch over your children.
Dost thou not watch over my sin? Job 14:16.
His tender mercies are over all his works. Psalms 145:9.
7. During the whole time; from beginning to end; as, to keep any thing over night; to keep corn over winter.
8. Above the top; covering; immersing; as, the water is over the shoes or boots.
Over night. In this phrase, over sometimes signifies before; as, when preparing for a journey, we provide things necessary over night.
Over, in poetry, is often contracted into o'er.
O'VER, adverb
1. From side to side; as a board a foot over; a tree a foot over a foot in diameter.
2. On the opposite side. The boat is safe over
3. From one to another by passing; as, to deliver over goods to another.
4. From one country to another by passing; as, to carry any thing over to France, or to bring any thing over to England.
5. On the surface.
6. Above the top.
Good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over shall men give into your bosom. Luke 6:38.
7. More than the quantity assigned; beyond a limit.
He that gathered much had nothing over Exodus 14:2.
8. Throughout; from beginning to end; completely; as, to read over a book; to argue a question over again.
Over and over repeatedly; once and again.
And every night review'd it o'er and o'er.
Over again, once more; with repetition.
O kill not all my kindred o'er again.
Over and above, besides; beyond what is supposed or limited.
He gained, over and above, the good will of the people.
Over against, opposite; in front.
Over against this church stands a large hospital.
Over is used with rolling or turning from side to side; as, to turn over; to roll over
1. To give over to cease from; as, to give over an enterprize.
2. To consider as in a hopeless state; as, the physicians have given over their patient.
Over, in composition, denotes spreading, covering above; as in overcast, overflow; or across, as to overhear; or above, as to overhang; or turning, changing sides, as in overturn; or more generally beyond, implying excess or superiority, as in overact, overcome.
O'VER, adjective
1. Past.
The Olympic games were over
2. Upper; covering; as over-shoes; over-leather.