POSSES'SION, noun The having, holding or detention of property in one's power or command; actual seizin or occupancy, either rightful or wrongful. One man may have the possession of a thing, and another may have the right of possession or property.
If the possession is severed from the property; if A has the right of property, and B by unlawful means has gained possession this is an injury to adjective This is a bare or naked possession
In bailment, the bailee, who receives goods to convey, or to keep for a time, has the possession of the goods, and a temporary right over them, but not the property. Property in possession includes both the right and the occupation. Long undisturbed possession is presumptive proof of right or property in the possessor.
1. The thing possessed; land, estate or goods owned; as foreign possessions.
The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. Obadiah 1:17.
When the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Matthew 19:22.
2. Any thing valuable possessed or enjoyed. Christian peace of mind is the best possession of life.
3. The state of being under the power of demons or invisible beings; madness; lunacy; as demoniacal possession
Writ of possession a precept directing a sheriff to put a person in peaceable possession of property recovered in ejectment.
To take possession to enter on, or to bring within one's power or occupancy.
To give possession to put in another's power or occupancy.
POSSES'SION, verb transitive To invest with property. [Not used.]