PRAGMAT'IC, PRAGMAT'ICAL, adjective [Latin pragmaticus; Gr. business; to do. See Practice.]
Forward to intermeddle; meddling; impertinently busy or officious in the concerns of others, without leave or invitation. The fellow grew so pragmatical, that he took upon him the government of my whole family.
Pragmatic sanction, in the German empire, the settlement made by Charles VI. the emperor, who in 1722, having no sons, settled his hereditary dominions on his eldest daughter, the archduchess Maria Theresa, which settlement was confirmed by most of the powers of Europe.
In the civil law, pragmatic sanction may be defined, a rescript or answer of the sovereign, delivered by advice of his council to some college, order, or body of people, who consult him in relation to the affairs of their community. The like answer given to a particular person, is called simply a rescript. Hottoman Encyclopedia