PRECIP'ITATE, verb transitive [Latin proecipito, from proeceps, headlong. See Precipice.]
1. To throw headlong; as, he precipitated himself from a rock.
2. To urge or press with eagerness or violence; as, to precipitate a flight.
3. To hasten.
Short intermittent and swift recurrent pains do precipitate patients into consumptions.
4. To hurry blindly or rashly.
If they be daring, it may precipitate their designs and prove dangerous.
5. To throw to the bottom of a vessel; as a substance in solution.
All metals may be precipitated by alkaline salts.
PRECIP'ITATE, verb intransitive To fall headlong.
1. To fall to the bottom of a vessel, as sediment, or any substance in solution.
2. To hasten without preparation.
PRECIP'ITATE, adjective Falling, flowing or rushing with steep descent.
Precipitate the furious torrent flows.
1. Headlong; over hasty; rashly hasty; as, the king was too precipitate in declaring war.
2. Adopted with haste or without due deliberation; hasty; as a precipitate measure.
3. Hasty; violent; terminating speedily in death; as a precipitate case of disease.
PRECIP'ITATE, noun A substance which, having been dissolved, is again separated from its solvent and thrown to the bottom of the vessel by pouring another liquor upon it.
Precipitate per se,
Red precipitate the red oxyd or peroxyd of mercury.