PROCU'RE, verb transitive [Latin procuro; pro and curo, to take care.]
1. To get; to gain; to obtain; as by request, loan, effort, labor or purchase. We procure favors by request; we procure money by borrowing; we procure food by cultivating the earth; offices are procured by solicitation or favor; we procure titles to estate by purchase. It is used of things of temporary possession more generally than acquire. We do not say, we acquired favor, we acquired money by borrowing but we procured.
2. To persuade; to prevail on.
What unaccustom'd cause procures her hither? [Unusual.]
3. To cause; to bring about; to effect; to contrive and effect.
Proceed, Salinus, to procure my fall.
4. To cause to come on; to bring on.
We no other pains endure
Than those that we ourselves procure
5. To draw to; to attract; to gain. Modesty procures love and respect.
PROCU'RE, verb intransitive To pimp.