PROFU'SE, adjective [Latin profusus, profundo, to pour out; pro and fundo.]
1. Lavish; liberal to excess; prodigal; as a profuse government; a profuse administration. Henry the eighth, a profuse king, dissipated the treasures which the parsimony of his father had amassed. A man's friends are generally too profuse of praise, and his enemies too sparing.
2. Extravagant; lavish; as profuse expenditures.
3. Overabounding; exuberant.
On a green shady bank, profuse of flowers--
O liberty! thou goddess heavenly bright,
Profuse of bliss--
Profuse ornament in painting, architecture or gardening, as well as in dress or in language, shows a mean or corrupted taste.
PROFU'SE, verb transitive s as z. To pour out. [Little Used.]
1. To squander. [Little Used.]