American Dictionary of the English Language

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PROG'RESS, noun [Latin progressus, progedior; pro and gradior, to step or go. See Grade and Degree.]

1. A moving or going forward; a proceeding onward. A man makes a slow progress or a rapid progress on a journey; a ship makes slow progress against the tide. He watched the progress of the army on its march, or the progress of a star or comet.

2. A moving forward in growth; increase; as the progress of a plant or animal.

3. Advance in business of any kind; as the progress of a negotiation; the progress of arts.

4. Advance in knowledge; intellectual or moral improvement; proficiency. The student is commended for this progress in learning; the christian for his progress in virtue and piety.

5. Removal; passage from place to place.

From Egypt arts their progress made to Greece.

6. A journey of state; a circuit.

PROGRESS', verb intransitive To move forward in space; to pass; to proceed.

Let me wipe off this honorable dew

That silverly doth progress on thy cheeks.

--Although the popular blast

Hath rear'd thy name up to bestride a cloud,

Or progress in the chariot of the sun.

1. To proceed; to continue onward in course.

After the war had progressed for some time.

2. To advance; to make improvement.