PROP'AGATE, verb transitive [Latin propago. See Prop. The Latin noun propago, is the English prop, and the termination ago, as in cartilago, etc. The sense of the noun is that which is set or thrust in.]
1. To continue or multiply the kind by generation or successive production; applied to animals and plants; as, to propagate a breed of horses or sheep; to propagate any species of fruit tree.
2. To spread; to extend; to impel or continue forward in space; as, to propagate sound or light.
3. To spread from person to person; to extend; to give birth to, or originate and spread; as, to propagate a story or report.
4. To carry from place to place; to extend by planting and establishing in places before destitute; as, to propagate the christian religion.
5. To extend; to increase.
Griefs of my own lie heavy in my breast,
Which thou wilt propagate
6. To generate; to produce.
Superstitious notions, propagated in fancy, are hardly ever totally eradicated.
PROP'AGATE, verb intransitive To have young or issue; to be produced or multiplied by generation, or by new shoots or plants. Wild horses propagate in the forests of S. America.