PULL, verb transitive [Latin vello.]
1. To draw; to draw towards one or to make an effort to draw. pull differs from draw; we use draw when motion follows the effort, and pull is used in the same sense; but we may also pull forever without drawing or moving the thing. This distinction may not be universal. pull is opposed to push.
Then he put forth his hand and took her and pulled her in to him into the ark. Genesis 8:9.
2. To pluck; to gather by drawing or forcing off or out; as, to pull fruit; to pull flax.
3. To tear; to rend; but in this sense followed by some qualifying word or phrase; as, to pull in pieces; to pull asunder or apart. To pull in two, is to separate or tear by violence into two parts.
To pull down, to demolish or to take in pieces by separating the parts; as, to pull down a house.
1. To demolish; to subvert; to destroy.
In political affairs, as well as mechanical, it is easier to pull down than to build up.
2. To bring down; to degrade; to humble.
To raise the wretched and pull down the proud.
PULL off, to separate by pulling; to pluck; also, to take off without force; as, to pull off a coat or hat.
To pull out, to draw out; to extract.
To pull up, to pluck up; to tear up by the roots; hence, to extirpate; to eradicate; to destroy.
PULL, noun The act of pulling or drawing with force; an effort to move by drawing towards one.
1. A contest; a struggle.
2. Pluck; violence suffered.