QUAL'ITY, noun [Latin qualitas, from qualis, such.]
1. Property; that which belongs to a body or substance, or can be predicated of it. Qualities are natural or accidental. thus whiteness is a natural quality of snow; softness is a natural quality of wool and fur; hardness is a natural quality of metals and wood; figure and dimension are the natural qualities of solids; but a particular figure, as a cube, a square or a sphere, is an accidental or adventitious quality The fluidity of metals is an accidental quality Essential qualities are such as are necessary to constitute a thing what it is. Sensible qualities are such as are perceptible to the senses, as the light of the sun, the color of cloth, the taste of salt or sugar, etc.
2. Nature, relatively considered; as the quality of an action, in regard to right and wrong.
Other creatures have not judgment to examine the quality of that which is done by them.
3. Virtue or particular power of producing certain effects; as the qualities of plants or medicines.
4. Disposition; temper.
Tonight we'll wander through the streets, and note the qualities of people.
5. Virtue or vice; as good qualities, or bad qualities.
6. Acquirement; accomplishment; as the qualities of horsemanship, dancing and fencing.
7. Character.
The attorney partakes of both qualities, that of a judge of the court, and that of attorney general.
8. Comparative rank; condition in relation to others; as people of every quality
We obtained acquaintance with many citizens, not of the meanest quality
9. Superior rank; superiority of birth or station; as persons of quality; ladies of quality
10. Persons of high rank, collectively.
I shall appear at the masquerade dressed up in my feathers, that the quality may see how pretty they will look in their traveling habits.