RAW, adjective [Latin crudus, rodo.]
1. Not altered from its natural state; not roasted, boiled or cooked; not subdued by heat; as raw meat.
2. Not covered with skin; bare, as flesh.
If there is quick raw flesh in the risings, it is an old leprosy. Leviticus 13:10.
3. sore.
And all his sinews waxen weak and raw through long imprisonment.
4. Immature; unripe; not concocted.
5. Not altered by heat; not cooked or dressed; being in its natural state; as raw fruit.
6. Unseasoned; unexperienced; unripe in skill; as people while young and raw
so we say, raw troops; and new seamen are called raw hands.
7. New; untried; as a raw trick.
8. Bleak; chilly; cold, or rather cold and damp; as a raw day; a raw cold climate.
Once upon a raw and gusty day -
9. Not distilled; as raw water. [Not used.]
10. Not spun or twisted; as raw silk.
11. Not mixed or adulterated; as raw spirits.
12. Bare of flesh.
13. Not tried or melted and strained; as raw tallow.
14. Not tanned; as raw hides.
RAW'-BONED, adjective Having little flesh on the bones.