RE'ALIZE, verb transitive
1. To bring into being or act; as, to realize a scheme or project.
We realize what Archimedes had only in hypothesis, weighing a single grain of sand against the globe of earth.
2. To convert money into land, or personal into real estate.
3. To impress on the mind as a reality; to believe, consider or treat as real. How little do men in full health realize their frailty and mortality.
Let the sincere christian realize the closing sentiment.
4. To bring home to one's own case or experience; to consider as one's own; to feel in all its force. Who, at his fire side, can realize the distress of shipwrecked mariners?
This allusion must have had enhanced strength and beauty to the eye of a nation extensively devoted to a pastoral life, and therefore realizing all its fine scenes and the tender emotions to which they gave birth.
5. To bring into actual existence and possession; to render tangible or effective. He never realized much profit from his trade or speculations.