American Dictionary of the English Language

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RELENT', verb intransitive [Latin blandus, which unites the Latin blandus with lentus. The English is from re and Latin lentus, gentle, pliant, slow, the primary sense of which is soft or yielding. The Latin lenis is probably of the same family. See Bland.]

1. To soften; to become less rigid or hard; to give.

In some houses, sweetmeats will relent more than in others.

When op'ning buds salute the welcome day, and earth relenting feels the genial ray.

[This sense of the word is admissible in poetry, but is not in common use.]

2. To grow moist; to deliquesce; applied to salts; as the relenting of the air.

Salt of tartar - placed in a cellar, will begin to relent

[This sense is Not in use.]

3. To become less intense. [Little Used.]

4. To soften in temper; to become more mild and tender; to feel compassion. [This is the usual sense of the word.]

Can you behold my tears, and not once relent?

RELENT', verb transitive

1. To slacken.

And oftentimes he would relent his pace. obsolete

2. To soften; to mollify. obsolete

RELENT', participle passive Dissolved. obsolete

RELENT', noun Remission; stay. obsolete