REMA'IN, verb intransitive [Latin remaneo; re and maneo, Gr.]
1. To continue; to rest or abide in a place for a time indefinite. They remained a month in Rome. We remain at an inn for a night, for a week, or a longer time.
Remain a widow at thy father's house, till Shelah my son be grown. Genesis 38:11.
2. To be left after others have withdrawn; to rest or abide in the same place when others remove, or are lost, destroyed or taken away.
Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. Genesis 7:23.
3. To be left after a part or others have past. Let our remaining time or years be employed in active duties.
4. To continue unchanged, or in a particular state. He remains stupid; he remains in a low state of health.
5. Not to be lost; not to escape; not to be forgotten.
All my wisdom remained with me.
6. To be left, out of a greater number or quantity. Part of the debt is paid; that which remains will be on interest.
That which remaineth over, lay up for you to be kept till the morning. Exodus 16:23.
7. To be left as not included or comprised. There remains one argument which has not been considered.
That an elder brother has power over his brethren, remains to be proved.
8. To continue in the same state.
Children thou art, childless remain
REMA'IN, verb transitive To await; to be left to; as, the easier conquest now remains thee. [This is elliptical for remains to thee. remain is not properly a transitive verb.]
REMA'IN, noun That which is left; a corpse; also, abode. [Not used.]