1. The retaining or having in mind an idea which had been present before, or an idea which had been previously received from an object when present, and which recurs to the mind afterwards without the presence of its object. Technically, remembrance differs from reminiscence and recollection, as the former implies that an idea occurs to the mind spontaneously, or without much mental exertion. The latter imply the power or the act of recalling ideas which do not spontaneously recur to the
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance Psalms 112:6.
Remembrance is when the same idea recurs, without the operation of the like object on the external sensory.
2. Transmission of a fact from one to another.
Titan among the heav'ns th' immortal fact display'd, lest the remembrance of his grief should fall.
3. Account preserved; something to assist the memory.
Those proceedings and remembrances are in the Tower.
4. Memorial.
But in remembrance of so brave a deed, a tomb and funeral honors I decreed.
5. A token by which one is kept in the memory.
Keep this remembrance for thy Julia's sake.
6. Notice of something absent.
Let your remembrance still apply to Banquo.
7. Power of remembering; limit of time within which a fact can be remembered; as when we say, an event took place before our remembrance or since our remembrance
8. Honorable memory. [Not in use.]
9. Admonition.
10. Memorandum; a note to help the memory.