American Dictionary of the English Language

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REMO'TE, adjective [Latin remotus, removeo; re and moveo, to move.]

1. Distant in place; not near; as a remote country; a remote people.

Give me a life remote from guilty courts.

2. Distant in time, past or future; as remote antiquity. Every man is apt to think the time of his dissolution to be remote

3. Distant; not immediate.

It is not all remote and even apparent good that affects us.

4. Distant; primary; not proximate; as the remote causes of a disease.

5. Alien; foreign; not agreeing with; as a proposition remote from reason.

6. Abstracted; as the mind placed by thought amongst or remote from all bodies.

7. Distant in consanguinity or affinity; as a remote kinsman.

8. Slight; inconsiderable; as a remote analogy between cases; a remote resemblance is form or color.