RESOLVE, verb transitive rezolv'. [Latin resolvo; re and solvo, to loose.]
1. To separate the component parts of a compound substance; to reduce to first principles; as, to resolve a body into its component or constituent parts; to resolve a body into its elements.
2. To separate the parts of a complex idea; to reduce to simple parts; to analyze.
3. To separate the parts of a complicated question; to unravel; to disentangle of perplexities; to remove obscurity by analysis; to clear of difficulties; to explain; as, to resolve questions in moral science; to resolve doubts; to resolve a riddle.
4. To inform to free from doubt or perplexity; as, to resolve the conscience.
RESOLVE me, stranger, whence and what you are?
5. To settle in an opinion; to make certain.
Long since we were resolv'd of your truth, your faithful service and your toil in war.
6. To confirm; to fix in constancy.
Quit presently the chapel, or resolve you for more amazement. [Unusual.]
7. To melt; to dissolve.
8. To form or constitute by resolution, vote or determination; as, the house resolved itself into a committee of the whole.
9. In music, to resolve a discord or dissonance, is to carry it, according to rule, into a consonance in the subsequent chord.
10. In medicine, to disperse or scatter; to discuss; as inflammation or a tumor.
11. To relax; to lay at ease.
12. In algebra, to resolve an equation, is to bring all the known quantities to one side of the equation, and the unknown quantity to the other.
RESOLVE, verb intransitive rezolv'.
1. To fix in opinion or purpose; to determine in mind. He resolved to abandon his vicious course of life.
2. To determine by vote. The legislature resolved to receive no petitions after a certain day.
3. To melt; to dissolve; to become fluid.
When the blood stagnates in any part, it first coagulates, then resolves and turns alkaline.
4. To separate into its component parts, or into distinct principles; as, water resolves into vapor; a substance resolves into gas.
5. To be settled in opinion.
Let men resolve of that as they please. [Unusual.]
RESOLVE, noun rezolv'.
1. Fixed purpose of mind; settled determination; resolution.
He strait revokes his bold resolve
2. Legal or official determination; legislative act concerning a private person or corporation, or concerning some private business. Public acts of a legislature respect the state, and to give them validity, the bills for such acts must pass through all the legislative forms. Resolves are usually private acts, and are often passed with less formality. Resolves may also be the acts of a single branch of the legislature; whereas public acts must be passed by a majority of both branches.
3. The determination of any corporation or association; resolution.