RICH, adjective [Latin rego, regnum, Eng. reach, region, from extending.]
1. Wealthy; opulent; possessing a large portion of land, goods or money, or a larger portion than is common to other men or to men of like rank. A farmer may be rich with property which would not make a nobleman rich An annual income of 500 sterling pounds would make a rich vicar, but not a rich bishop. Men more willingly acknowledge others to be richer, than to be wiser than themselves.
Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver and in gold.
2. Splendid; costly; valuable; precious; sumptuous; as a rich dress; a rich border; a rich silk; rich furniture; a rich present.
3. Abundant in materials; yielding great quantities of any thing valuable; as a rich mine; rich ore.
4. Abounding in valuable ingredients or qualities; as a rich odor or flavor; rich spices.
So we say, a rich description; a discourse rich in ideas.
5. Full of valuable achievements or works.
Each minute shall be rich in some great action.
6. Fertile; fruitful; capable of producing large crops or quantities; as a rich soil; rich land; rich mold.
7. Abundant; large; as a rich crop.
8. Abundant; affording abundance; plentiful.
The gorgeous East with richest hand pours on her sons barbaric pearl and gold.
9. Full of beautiful scenery; as a rich landscape; a rich prospect.
10. Abounding with elegant colors; as a rich picture.
11. Plentifully stocked; as pastures rich in flocks.
12. Strong; vivid; perfect; as a rich color.
13. Having something precious; as a grove of rich trees.
14. Abounding with nutritious qualities; as a rich diet.
15. Highly seasoned; as rich paste; a rich dish of food.
16. Abounding with a variety of delicious food; as a rich table or entertainment.
17. Containing abundance beyond wants; as a rich treasury.
18. In music, full of sweet or harmonious sounds.
19. In Scripture, abounding; highly endowed with spiritual gifts; as rich in faith. James 2:5.
20. Placing confidence in outward prosperity. Matthew 19:23.
21. Self-righteous; abounding, in one's own opinion, with spiritual graces. Revelation 3:17.
RICH in mercy, spoken of God, full of mercy, and ready to bestow good things on sinful men. Ephesians 2:4. Romans 10:12.
The rich used as a noun, denotes a rich man or person, or more frequently in the plural, rich men or persons.
The rich hath many friends. Proverbs 14:20.
RICH, verb transitive To enrich. [Not used. See Enrich.]