RID'DLE, noun [See Cradle.]
An instrument for cleaning grain, being a large sieve with a perforated button, which permits the grain to pass through it, but retains the chaff.
RID'DLE, verb transitive To separate, as grain from the chaff with a riddle; as, to riddle wheat. [Note. The machines now used have nearly superseded the riddle ]
RID'DLE, noun [See Read.]
1. An enigma; something proposed for conjecture, or that is to be solved by conjecture; a puzzling question; an ambiguous proposition. Judges 14:12.
2. Any thing ambiguous or puzzling.
RID'DLE, verb transitive To solve; to explain; but we generally use unriddle, which is more proper.
Riddle me this, and guess him if you can.
RID'DLE, verb intransitive To speak ambiguously, obscurely or enigmatically.