RIDE, verb intransitive preterit tense rode or rid; participle passive rid, ridden. [L rheda, a chariot or vehicle.]
1. To be carried on horseback, or on any beast, or in any vehicle. We ride on a horse, on a camel, in a coach, chariot, wagon, etc.
2. To be borne on or in a fluid. A ship rides at anchor; the ark rode on the flood; a balloon rides in the air.
He rode on a cherub and did fly; yea, he did fly on the wings of the wind. Psalms 18:1.
3. To be supported in motion.
Strong as the axle-tree on which heaven rides.
4. To practice riding. He rides often for his health.
5. To manage a horse well.
He rode, he fenc'd, he mov'd with graceful ease.
6. To be supported by something subservient; to sit.
On whose foolish honesty my practices rid easy.
To ride easy, in seaman's language, is when a ship does not labor or feel a great strain on her cables.
To ride hard, is when a ship pitches violently, so as to strain her cables, masts and hull.
To ride out, as a gale, signifies that a ship does not drive during a storm.
RIDE, verb transitive
1. To sit on, so as to be carried; as, to ride a horse.
They ride the air in whirlwind.
2. To manage insolently at will; as in priestridden.
The nobility could no longer endure to be ridden by bakers, cobblers and brewers.
3. To carry. [Local.]
RIDE, noun
1. An excursion on horseback or in a vehicle.
2. A saddle horse. [Local.]
3. A road cut in a wood or through a ground for the amusement of riding; a riding.