SACK, noun [Latin saccus. Heb. See the verb to sack ]
1. A bag, usually a large cloth bag, used for holding and conveying corn, small wares, wool, cotton, hops, and the like. Genesis 42:25.
SACK of wool, in England, is 22 stone of 14lb. each, or 308 pounds. In Scotland, it is 24 stone of 16 pounds each, or 384 pounds.
A sack of cotton, contains usually about 300lb. but it may be from 150 to 400 pounds.
SACK of earth, in fortification, is a canvas bag filled with earth, used in making retrenchments in haste.
2. The measure of three bushels.
SACK, noun A species of sweet wine, brought chiefly from the Canary isles.
SACK, noun [Latin sagum, whence Gr. But the word is Celtic or Teutonic.]
Among our rude ancestors, a kind of cloak of a square form, worn over the shoulders and body, and fastened in from by a clasp or thorn. It was originally made of skin, afterwards of wool. In modern times, this name has been given to a woman's garment, a gown with loose plaits on the back; but no garment of this kind is now worn, and the word is in disuse. [See Varro, Strabo, Cluver, Bochart.]
SACK, verb transitive To put in a sac or in bags.
SACK, verb transitive [From comparing this word and sack a bag, in several languages, it appears that they are both from one root, and that the primary sense is to strain, pull, draw; hence sack a bag, is a tie, that which is tied or drawn together; and sack to pillage, is to pull, to strip, that is, to take away by violence.]
To plunder or pillage, as a town or city. Rome was twice taken and sacked in the reign of one pope. This word is never, I believe, applied to the robbing of persons, or pillaging of single houses, but to the pillaging of towns and cities; and as towns are usually or often sacked, when taken by assault, the word may sometimes include the sense of taking by storm.
The Romans lay under the apprehension of seeing their city sacked by a barbarous enemy.
SACK, noun The pillage or plunder of a town or city; or the storm and plunder of a town; as the sack of Troy.