SATISFAC'TION, noun [Latin satisfactio. See Satisfy.]
1. That state of the mind which results from the full gratification of desire; repose of mind or contentment with present possession and enjoyment. Sensual pleasure affords no permanent satisfaction
2. The act of pleasing or gratifying.
The mind having a power to suspend the execution and satisfaction of its desires -
3. Repose of the mind on the certainty of any thing; that state which results from relief from suspense, doubt or uncertainty; conviction.
What satisfaction can you have?
4. Gratification; that which pleases.
Exchanging solid quiet to obtain the windy satisfaction of the brain.
5. That which satisfies; amends; recompense; compensation; indemnification; atonement. satisfaction for damages, must be an equivalent; but satisfaction in many cases, may consist in concession or apology.
6. Payment; discharge; as, to receive a sum in full satisfaction of a debt; to enter satisfaction on record.